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Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
Architect's Office #1 | Drawing room
Bureau d'architecte #1 | La salle de dessin
Around the Sims

By Sandy
Description by Andrea.
A Huge thanks to all the ones who sent me some suggestions of descriptions!

Have you always dreamed of becoming an architect yet never had the opportunity? Now you can show the world what amazing constructions you can build. Or maybe you just want to decorate your office and brag to your neighbors how smart you are with your diploma. First sit on your confortable chair and sketch your ideas. Made a mistake? Not a problem, just throw it away in this proffesional-looking thrashcan and start over. Then make the blueprints and later construct the models. Not only is it very business-looking but it will increase your creativity and logical skill and as a plus the blueprint table will give you some cash. So don't hesitate and get your architect's office now and start feeling like one!

Bookcase #1 - big    Bookcase #2 - Sydney
Bookcase #3 - New York   Chair
Decorative easel   Desk
Diploma   End table #1
Lamp for desk   Building model #1 - Le Corbusier (*)
Building model #2 - House (*)   Paintings (x2)
Sketches on desk   Trash
** Notes **
The blueprint table can only be used by adults Sims, and will give them creativity points. The price of sold blueprints can raise §641 (instead of §166), once your Sims have all their creative skills.
The blueprints and sketches for desk can only be used by adults and only by one adult at the same time. They need to be placed on table. The blueprints will give logical points to your Sims, while the sketches will give creativity one.
The easel shown on picture is only decorative. There's an usable version for donators.
(*) Based on the Colleen Bust, by SimsPlus, and from 3D buildings found on the net.
Windows are from Colorized Sims.
La table de dessin ne peut être utilisée que par des Sims adultes et leur donnera des points de créativité. Les plans vendus pourront atteindre jusqu'à 641§ (au lieu des 166 habituels) si vos Sims ont tout leurs points d'aptitude en créativité.
Les plans et esquisses doivent être placés sur des tables. Seuls les Sims adultes pourront les utiliser. Les plans donneront des points de logique à vos Sims, tandis que les esquisses leur donneront des points de créativité.
Le chevalet exposé sur l'image n'est que décoratif. Une version "dessinable" existe pour les donateurs.
(*) Basé sur le Colleen Bust, de SimsPlus, et sur des modèles de bâtiments disponibles sur Internet.
Fenêtres de Colorized Sims.
Gift for Donators
Around the Sims
A decorative photocopier and an easel, usable by your Sims.
Download the set (Gift included)
- 19 objects -
(Donators only! this option costs too much money to the site, sorry...)
- 1,2 Mo -


Architect's Office: Drawing room - Reunion room
Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11


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The Sims is a registered trademark by Electronic Arts Inc.

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