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Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11
Wine cellar
Cave à vins
Around the Sims

By Sandy
Description by Josh Magsam.
A Huge thanks to all the ones who sent me some suggestions of descriptions!

At long last, the snooty set amongst the Sims have a place to store their wine and french cheese! Gone are the days of jamming that poor wheel of Gouda and a bottle of Simsville Merlot '87 in the back of the refrigerator and hoping the guests won't notice. As a bonus, it also makes a nice getaway on those hot, humid summer afternoons, an excellent place to have a snack and relax with Edgar Allen Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado."

Big barrel #2 - open    Bottlebrush
Big bottles rack   Two bottles in a box (*)
Candle   Ceiling lamp (Hot Date required)
Small barrel - end table   Sink
Stool   Table (Hot Date required)
Bread - food   Cheese - food
Wine-taster   Hygrometer
Thermometer   Small bottles rack - trash 
September 28th, 2007
** Fixed the 12th of October, 2007 **

Base by The Secret Society of the Woobsha
The wine bottles sale table will allow your Sims to sell bottles to townies or other visitors. The sign will determine if the shop is open or not. To learn more about the Home Business, have a read at Woobsha/Better Business.
Base par The Secret Society of the Woobsha
La table de vente permet à vos Sims de vendre des bouteilles de vin aux Delaville ou autres visiteurs. Le panneau détermine si la boutique est ouverte ou non.

** Notes **
The bar and the barrel of wine for donators have been hacked to give your Sims more fun (the bar has a rating of 8 for fun, the barrel of 7); they also don't push your Sims to go to toilets (bladder -1).
Bar can only be used by adults.
Bread and cheese can be eaten; cheese should satisfy your Sim's hunger better than a simple fruit cake.
Wine has to be drunk with moderation in real life... but your Sims can do what they want. ;)
(*) Based on the Colleen Bust, by SimsPlus.
Le bar et le petit tonneau destiné aux donateurs ont été trafiqués pour donner plus d'amusement à vos Sims quand ils boivent (le bar a un score de 8 pour l'amusement, et le tonneau de 7); ils ne poussent pas non plus vos Sims à courir aux toilettes après chaque verre (petits besoins -1).
Le bar ne peut être utilisé que par des adultes.
Le pain et le fromage peuvent être mangés; le fromage devrait davantage satisfaire l'apétit de vos Sims qu'un simple gateau.
Rappelons que le vin se doit d'être bu avec modération dans la vie réelle... mais vos Sims font ce qu'ils veulent! ;)
(*) Basé sur le Colleen Bust, de SimsPlus.
Gift for Donators
Around the Sims
A small barrel of wine, cloned from the espresso machine, to give your Sims energy and a lot of fun.
Download the set (Gift included)
- 19 objects -
(Donators only! this option costs too much money to the site, sorry...)
- 824 Ko -


Other: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11


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